Vaccine QR code

백신 접종 QR code 다운 받는 법입니다. 버지니아 주 정부는 2022.1.15(토) 오전 6시부터 식당 및 실내 영업시설 입장객에 대해 백신접종 증명서 제출을 요구할 예정이라고 합니다! 12세 이상의 입장객은 최소 1회 이상 백신접종을 해야만 입장이 가능하며, 2.15(화)부터는 2회 이상 백신접종으로 조치가 강화될 예정입니다. – 백신접종 증명서가 확실시 요구되는 영업장은 식당, 와이너리, 영화관, 볼링장, 체육관, 강당 등으로 […]

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Traveler Checklist Before travel 1. PLAN  Are you comfortable/do you feel safe traveling to this place? Use this interactive map to view COVID-19 trends by location.  Understand COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions.  Countries have established entry/exit requirements depending on your departure location. This may include testing requirements, quarantines and more. Check the requirements on this website. [...]
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Coronavirus Information and Resources

While New York City is fully open and vaccinations have been a boon to everyday life and local business, Covid-19 remains a reality for all of us. Below you’ll find the most useful and current information for navigating the five boroughs, plus plenty of resources for planning ahead. NYC Updates On December 10, Governor Hochul [...]
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